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Nancy's Breakfast Toast

This one is very special to me, this was originally my Mom's creation. I have no idea where she got this idea, but I can't tell you how many times she'd make this for breakfast on a Saturday or Sunday morning when I was growing up. It all started out so simple with a slice of sandwich bread, buttered on top, a slice of cheese , topped with tomato and 2 slices of bacon. It was slid underneath the broiler and cooked until the bacon was crisp and the cheese was all melty! It was one of my most favorite breakfasts as a kid! It's a great starter for the day , it's satisfying and gives the energy you want, yet isn't heavy! Since then, I've taken it up a notch or two. I know Mom wouldn't mind...

In Oakland , California( 1970) on my Grandparents front porch with Mom .

I started making it for my kids when they were little as well. Still, to this day, every time I make it and take that first bite, I'm a little girl sitting at my Mom's kitchen table again.

Ingredients: There aren't any specific measurements for this...

  1. Slice of any sturdy artisan bread, such as sourdough, pugliese, french , etc.

  2. Butter for one side of the bread

  3. Cheese of your choice. I used Smoke Mozzarella and Parmesan , but sometimes I change it up and use smoked gouda or cheddar. Use what you like!

  4. 4 or 5 grape tomatoes sliced or 1 Roma tomato sliced thin.

  5. 2 slices of bacon or pancetta diced ( if you use pancetta, make sure it's the thicker sliced so it doesn't burn)

  6. Garlic Salt and Black Pepper

  7. 2 sprigs of Thyme

Turn your oven broiler on low. Cover a baking sheet with aluminum foil and place the slice of bread on the baking sheet. Broil in oven just until the one side is toasted to your liking and remove from oven. Make sure your oven rack is in the middle position and not up high.

Turn the the bread toasted side down and butter the untoasted side , making sure to butter the edges as well. Sprinkle with Garlic Salt. Put enough cheese on to cover the bread . I used the Smoked Mozz and fresh Parm here.

If you have already cooked bacon that you want to use then put the bacon next, this way it doesn't burn. Otherwise, next top the cheese with the sliced tomatoes then add the raw diced bacon on top.

Sprinkle with Black Pepper and fresh Thyme .

Put the baking sheet with the bread in the oven and let broil for approximately 4-5 minutes. Keep an eye on it so the bacon doesn't burn. Let broil until the bacon is cooked and crisp and the cheese is melted and bubbly ... Enjoy!!

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